Friday, June 22, 2018

Alice in Wonderland off-screen voiceovers

LORINA: "Wanted leaders,
and had been of late
ALICE: Oh, dear.
DOORKNOB: This won't do at all.
ALICE: Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!
-Yes, but...
-DODO: All right, let's have it now.
DODO: Look lively.
-I'm late.
-DODO: Don't step on the fish.
DODO: Watch it. Stop kicking that
mackerel. Brilliant. Jolly well done.
Mr. Walrus, said the carpenter
-The time has come
-TWEEDLEDEE: The walrus said
TWEEDLEDEEBut Mother Oyster
winked her eye
-And stay right here
But answer there came none
TWEEDLEDUM: And this was
scarcely odd because
RABBIT: Mary Ann. Drat that girl.
Where could she have put them?
RABBIT: A monster.
A monster, Dodo, in my house.
-Thank goodness.
-RABBIT: What is it?
RABBIT: Oh! Bill! Bill, we need
a lazard with a lidder.
-Oh, no.
-DODO: Oh-ho...
-Curious butterflies.
-FLOWER: Bread-and-butterflies.
-FLOWER: Naturally.
-I beg your pardon, but did you...
FLOWER: Ever see an Alice
with a blossom like that?
-It is not.
-ALICE: Well, it is to me.
CATERPILLAR: By the way,
I have a few more helpful hints.
-CHESHIRE CAT: Lose something?
ALICE: How very curious.
HARE: If there are no objections,
let it be unanimous
HATTER: A very merry unbirthday
HARE: A very merry unbirthday
-You must have a cup of tea.
-ALICE: That would be nice.
-Oh, dear.
-HATTER: Oh, my.
HARE: Mad watch.
HATTER: Oh, my!
-And it was an unbirthday present, too.
-HARE: In that case...
ALICE: Oh, erm... Excuse me.
COMMANDER: Cards, halt!
-And the king.
-CARD: Hooray!
-QUEEN: You?
-No. Two.
-Yes. And I was hoping...
-QUEEN: Look up. Speak nicely.
COMMANDER: Shuffle deck!
QUEEN: Someone's head
will roll for this.
-QUEEN: Hmm...
RABBIT: The March Hare.
RABBIT: The Dormouse.
RABBIT: The Mad Hatter.
QUEEN: Somebody's head
is going to roll for this!
QUEEN: Don't let her get away!
LORINA: Alice! Alice!

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